Office of Student Success | Colin Powell School

Office of Student Success

JPMC Financial Health MOdule

A new version of JPMorgan Chase's Financial Health Module
is now on Blackboard!

When it comes to college, it’s important to recognize that financial education is a critical part of your academic journey. Chase’s new, “Your Financial Journey: College Edition,” course modeled after in-person financial coaching aims to get you thinking about finances and build a financially healthy foundation that will follow you well into adulthood.

The course covers topics like financial aid & loans, credit, budgeting, and goal setting, but also serves as a necessary refresher on healthy behaviors around money for all members of the CCNY community- students, faculty, and staff. This self-paced course takes approximately 45 minutes to complete, and you’ll receive a certification of completion afterwards.

To Access the Module on Blackboard:

Program Contact

Corporate Partnerships Manager

Ashif Hassan